Monday, October 13, 2014

As Time Goes By...

Well, Summer is gone and Autumn is swiftly taking over, many of the leaver have fallen and there is a bite in the air. There are many things that I love about Autumn but just knowing what follows takes away a little of the joy. However, there are a few Antique and Folk Art shows that take away the sting of approaching Winter.

I have had a busy Summer and am having a busy Autumn I don't have a lot of pictures to post  but will post the few that I do have.

 The picture above is an old Vernor's pop crate that I added legs to stuck a small lamp inside and it lights up the hall corner quite nicely.
 I found some beautiful leaves and waxed them to add to the Sunflower heads I have in a small wooden bowl. I hope to plant the seeds next Spring and have a plethora of Sunflowers in my side yard...we'll see how that works out.
This china cabinet is patiently waiting for its chance to shine in my booth, but it is sooooooo heavy  I'm not sure it will make it down there. Maybe I will have to have an in house sale...hummmm, I'll have to think about that.

Well, that's all for this time...

So, from my porch to yours...

Have a blessed week.

 P.S.  These are a few of the treasures I brought back from Indiana...there was a really fun antiques store there...could have spent 1/2 a day there.