Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Heart of the Home

 They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home and I truly do believe that. I don't think that you have to be a fabulous cook, although that wouldn't hurt, to make your kitchen the "heart" of your home.
 I love to collect and have done so for years. My philosophy for buying antiques is "If you love it and you can afford it, buy it." I don't adhere to the rule that you need to know where you are going  to use a particular item, you can figure that out later.

 I have little electric candle holders all over the place, sometimes I turn them off, usually I just leave them on. They use very little electricity so that is not a problem.

 I think my kitchen is quite small, at least the part where the cooking takes place is. But it is an "Eat In" kitchen so it looks large, also we don't have top cupboards because we have a pantry to hold all the stuff that would be stored there. That is about to change, We are going to redo the kitchen,soon.
 One of the many "little lights" around my kitchen.

 I love this crock of dried flowers however the sign doesn't really reflect my lifestyle, I just like the thought.

 I constantly change the arrangement that is on my table, with just the two of us I have plenty of space to play with.
I just thought I would share a few pictures of the "Before" kitchen with you...hopefully I will be able to document the redoing of  the kitchen, and share that with you at a later, much later, date.

That's all for this week, so.....

From my porch to yours,

Have a blessed week.


  1. i have always thought our kitchen was large. at least it is larger then most homes. and its waaaayy larger then my gally kitchen. lol

    1. You are probably right. I guess what I really mean is, I would like to have more counter space, but knowing me I would just fill it up with more of my "stuff" and end up with the same amount of space. There is just enough for noodle making, so life is good.
