I am so fortunate to be married to my best friend. He is so talented I can hardly believe all he can do. He even shocks himself sometimes. Anyway, I have wanted a noodle board for quite a while. Well at least for two years. The first one I saw I didn't even know what it was. Then I started to see them in magazines and EBay. So I showed him a picture and I now have a noodle board....you can't see it all that well but it is under all the other items in these pictures.
You see, most of the pictures I saw of the noodle board, they were used just as a back drop for decorating, I didn't want it for that reason I really wanted to make my noodles and dumplings on my board.
Just to be clear, I haven't made noodles or dumplings yet but boy have I ever used it for a backdrop.
Just a few of the many mashers I've collected over the years, laying on the noodle board of course.
Below are some of the serving pieces or dippers that were used by our fore mothers, they have such a beautiful patina to them.
More dippers and ladles, the one in back , by the Ball jar, is really heavy. I don't believe it is an American piece, maybe Asian. I love it and it fits with the others so all is well.

This little cabinet sits by my Hoosier cabinet, today, for some reason, everything that was setting there just flew off and scattered all over the floor
I took that as a sign to do a little redecorating. My favorite pass time, especially in the drab winter season.
A bare table top ,to me, is like dead air to a radio station... Not acceptable .
This is the way it turned out.....it may or may not stay this way.
This screen and dipper hang on the side of the Hoosier above the little cabinet that got a re do today.
That's all for this week...so
From my porch to yours...
Have a blessed week.