There have been a lot of names given to this room over the years. Just to name a few, Bathroom, Restroom, Water Closet or W.C. for short and before it was moved into the house it was referred to as the Out House. Well this room has come a long way baby, some are equipped like a spa with all the amenities. Well all that is fine but I'm afraid that would not quite fit with the overall "style" of our home. When we were building it I knew that I wanted the old cast iron bathtub and my wonderful husband went along with the idea. We resurfaced the inside and painted the outside and she has served us well for 25 years or so.

So now begins the story of the "Necessary Room" in our house. I guess what we are currently trying to do is leave the country style and go to the more primitive style. I love the old painted pieces and the cupboards made out of leftover pieces of wainscoting . That "Do and make do" attitude that our forefathers had. I believe that there are a lot of people out there that feel like I do...born 100 years too late. I remember going to my aunts house and she had an outhouse and it was wall papered and she had a few pictures hanging She certainly was ahead of her time. I believe that she had a great influence on how I thought about the spaces we occupy.
I'm taking you through the door and around the room going from left to right. I have to tell you that our Bathroom is very long so I am able to have quite a few pieces of furniture in there
No, this is not a bottle of wine, it is a wine bottle though and I painted it and now it holds my mouthwash and sits on a silver tray. Why not add a little glam?
This is a collection of blue medicine bottles and the little green bowl holds vintage perfume bottles. I've had little girls who didn't want to leave this room...they want to know about everything in there.
This is two peg racks full of children's clothes and shoes..some belonged to my children but most are antique ones that I get at auctions and flea markets.
This basket is at the head of the bathtub and keeps the towels close at hand.
More perfume bottles and bath items are here next to the tub, and the picture below is at the foot of the tub , I light the lamp when we loose power , which happens at least once a year.
The basket on the left holds extra wash clothes and is the very first basket I made 30 years ago.
This is one of the cubbies that Tim made for our up coming sale...I like it here, it may not make it to the sale.
Another cubbie I got at a tag sale for $2.00, just had to have it.
This cubbie sets on the floor and is behind the door, it surprises most people and kids love to move the bars of soap around.
This picture came from the calender that was hanging in my Moms kitchen. When she went home to be with the Lord, my thoughtful sister, Mitty, took the calender and gave me the one that was used for August, the month of my birthday. The Scripture verse on it is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.
Just a reminder of how blessed we are to be able to hold on to the things of the past and enjoy the the conveniences of today.
These two pictures are taken from the ends of the room...just to help orient you .. I still have a way to go to get the prim look that I love but I'm on my way, I think.
Well, that's all for this
From my porch to yours...
Have a blessed week.