Friday, October 25, 2013

Rushing the Season...Not...

Really...I'm not one to rush ,  "dare I say ?" snow. But I didn't start it, there is snow on the ground and I can only surmise that is what spurred me on to paint snowmen. So, like it or not, here are some pics of my first snowman of the season.

 You see, I found this lonely little chair and it needed to have something done to it....soooooo

 Hummmm! Something is missing...

 Oh! That's better...everybody needs a nose..

 And maybe a scarf...

 And a little gussying by way of a burlap bow pine cones.

Ready to go to the shop...

That's all for this time...

So, from my porch to yours...

Have a blessed week.

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's Official...Fall is Here

We haven't taken our Fall color tour yet...may have to skip it this year, just too much going on. But that is another story. So instead of going to the color I've decided to bring the color to us.

I don't know what it is about tool boxes but they seem to call my name every time I see one at a flea market or antiques fair. This is the carpenters tool box that I've had for quite a few years, my daughter and I lugged this home from an antiques fair, and I've used it indoors and outdoors. It is currently at my front door stuffed with Autumn flowers and gourds. I'm looking for a "Welcome Autumn" sign...may have to make it myself.

This year I heard a mechanics tool box calling... this one will probably find its way into the shop for sale...I had Tim attach it to the mustard colored stool, then I  "dressed" it for Fall & Winter.

This is the before picture.....

 Here it is all gussied for Fall and now for the Winter.....

I think a battery operated candle or two would be perfect...this could be used inside or out, if it was on a covered porch so the snow wouldn't ruin it. Can't believe I said "snow".

So what do you think, am I crazy or what...anybody else like old tool boxes?

That's all for now...

So, from my porch to yours..

Blessings on your week.