Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Here's what's happening..

I know it has been a while sense I've posted on my Blog, but don't think that I've been lounging around or on vacation. Oh no!! not a chance, you see the new booth is going like gang busters and not just mine but all the booths seem to be doing really well. However,in regards to my booth I've got to say God has been so good I am always amazed at His ability to do what I think is impossible. What a great God we have.

Well, look what I found in an old lady's basement...


I'm showing you the after pictures first...I think you will be surprised as to what this was before we got hold of it.

 Obviously, this is a close up of the top...I really love the scalloped top...

 and we couldn't just leave the bottom alone so we added the pretty little feet.
 And now the inside, there are three shelves with lots of space for linens, clothes, china or quilts, needless to say this piece could be used in most any room of the house.
And this is what she started out life as, well, sort of, again I forgot to take the before pictures. However, a dresser is a dresser, right, and this was a dresser, only she was missing a drawer and should have had four drawers. This was as close to what he looked like as I could get. Again, I must say, "This is going to be a hard one to part with."

That's all for now...

So, from my porch to yours...

Have a blessed week.

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